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Drum Set Restoration Project

After buying an old second-hand drum kit (a Yamaha YD series) as a rehearsal and practice kit. I decided to try and fix up the faded and peeling plastic wrap that comes standard on cheap entry level drum sets.  Little did I know that successful experiments with holographic glitter would lead to quite a bit of interest in my silly little restoration project.


After posting some photos on social media I was asked by quite a few people if I could detail what I had done so they could try it themselves. Below is a quickly made video and PDF document detailing what I did and tools and materials I used.




This was an experiment that went well for me. I can not guarantee that anyone else will have the same luck I did.

Make sure you do some research and testing on everything I have listed before attempting to follow these instructions.

The last thing I want is for someone to wreck a perfectly good drum kit because they followed some instructions I put on the internet.


Please understand there is a chance I was simply lucky!


The PDF document and accompanying video that explain my process is below.





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